Rwanda food inflation hits new record high of 42.4pc

Rwanda food inflation hits new record high of 42.4pc

Rwanda is among 10 countries with the highest food price inflation globally in the latest World Bank assessment released on February 27

Rwanda undertakes new population census after 10 years

Rwanda undertakes new population census after 10 years

Economists say the new census will provide fresh data which will enable government planners make necessary adjustments in design of programmes and projects aimed at tackling key human security issues like poverty and malnutrition as well as revise targets across key sectors.

Rwanda inflation hits 16.1pc as food costs keep rising

Rwanda inflation hits 16.1pc as food costs keep rising

A section of consumers whose wages barely changed to reflect  the rising cost of living are grappling with some of the highest costs for essentials, and this is hurting low income earners and the vulnerable families the most.

Rising food prices drive May inflation to 14.8pc

Rising food prices drive May inflation to 14.8pc

Rwanda’s National Institute of Statistics (NISR) report shows costs of food and non-alcoholic beverages, which had increased by 15.7 per cent and 5.5 per cent on annual and monthly basis in April again rose by 24.2 per cent and 5 per cent correspondingly in May 2022.