Tag: migration

Is full legal protection for Africa climate migrants finally in sight?

Is full legal protection for Africa climate migrants finally in sight?

People lay hopes in ongoing negotiations by African leaders to adopt a legal instrument that seeks to, among other things, ensure the dignity, protection and rights of climate migrants in accordance with international and regional commitment and frameworks.

Misago, the rural-urban migrant father who can’t rest to keep his family fed

Misago, the rural-urban migrant father who can’t rest to keep his family fed

The primary school dropout dreams to become a driver. His several attempts at the driving test did not bear fruits, but he says he is not giving up any time soon because he has a family to feed.

We want more young people at the decision-making table - AU Youth Envoy

We want more young people at the decision-making table - AU Youth Envoy

Chido Mpemba spoke to RwandaPost about the need to not only attend to youth concerns in the climate debate, but to also involve them in decision making at all levels within the continent and beyond.

COP27: African youth issue list of demands

COP27: African youth issue list of demands

Top on the list is the demand that climate mobility is reflected in decisions made at COP27, COP28 and beyond.  The youth want migration recognized as an adaptation strategy and coping mechanism for youth in climate policies, finance and governance structures going forward.

Watch out if you think Europe is paradise - TETE

Watch out if you think Europe is paradise - TETE

Tete Loeper says she wanted to draw audience attention to the other image of Europe that most Africans, and especially the young people don't always see or learn about.

MBOKAZI: African migration not a problem to solve, it’s an opportunity

MBOKAZI: African migration not a problem to solve, it’s an opportunity

Sabelo Mbokazi, Head of Labor, Employment and Migration at African Union Commission (AUC) shares insights into continental plans to enhance member States' collaboration for sustainable migration governance.

Govts in Africa mull migration policy changes to cater for climate refugees

Govts in Africa mull migration policy changes to cater for climate refugees

The delegates at PAFOM want revision of the conventions to address the normative gap in the refugee laws.  Besides, the costs of these disasters in terms of loss of lives, property, asset and livelihoods losses, and infrastructure damages remain undercounted and uncompensated.